Madelyn Gatchel

Ph.D. Candidate
Computer Science & Engineering
University of Michigan

Contact Information
Bob & Betty Beyster Building
2260 Hayward Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2121


I am a third-year CSE Ph.D. candidate at the University of Michigan. I am advised by Professor Michael P. Wellman in the Strategic Reasoning Group. My research interests lie at the intersection of artificial intelligence and algorithmic game theory. More specifically, I am interested in developing new techniques to construct and analyze simulation-based games as well as finding new real-world applications for simulation-based games. I am also passionate about teaching, mentorship, and working to increase diversity within CS.

In May 2021 I graduated from Davidson College with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (High Honors) and Mathematics. For my honors thesis I proposed a novel machine learning model that enables a new type of analysis for games with a variable number of players; I was advised by Bryce Wiedenbeck. Before getting into game theory research, I did computer vision for robotics research in Summer 2019 with Professor R. Iris Bahar at Brown University through the DREU program. Click here to view my CV.

Feel free to reach out with any questions or just to say hi!

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, working out, playing board/card games with friends, and walking. Things I am passionate about include:

  • Vinegar-based barbecue (the ONLY Carolina BBQ)
  • Asking questions
  • Black olives on pizza
  • Davidson College basketball, Wake Forest football, and Michigan athletics
  • Popcorn


  • [April 2024] Honored to be recognized as the 2024 CSE HACKS Spirit Award recipient!
  • [March 2024] Represented U-M as a delegate to the U7+ Alliance at the NEXT Milan Forum in Milan, Italy
  • [May/June 2023] Attended and presented at AAMAS-23 in London
  • [February 2023] Passed my qualifying exam 🎉
  • [January 2023] Our paper "Learning Parameterized Families of Games" was accepted at AAMAS-23!
  • [April 2022] Presented a poster at CRA-WP's Grad Cohort for Women workshop